NJ Lawmakers are Considering a Court Program for Gambling Addiction

Arsenii Anderson
nj lawmakers are considering a court program for gambling addiction

Advocacy groups argue that New Jersey is getting closer to being the third state to set up a gambling addiction diversion court, which will help the rising number of people exhibiting problematic habits.

Bill A420, which would have created a gambling treatment court program similar to recovery and drug courts, was overwhelmingly approved by the state Assembly’s Tourism, Gaming & the Arts Committee on March 20. Drug courts have shown to be helpful for people convicted of nonviolent crimes directly connected to their identified addictions in NJ.

The first gambling treatment court in the US was established in Las Vegas and Clark County by retired judge Cheryl Moss, a native of NJ who served on Nevada’s Eighth Judicial District Court. She encouraged legislators to act during her testimony on March 20.

Moss warned legislators that more individuals are at risk of developing gambling-related problems as it gets simpler and more accessible to gamble, particularly in NJ, where online gaming produces almost as much monthly income as AC casinos.

The quantity of gaming in this country is simply insane, and we really believe that it is a societal issue, according to Moss.

Putting an End to the Addiction Recidivism Cycle

Six people have successfully completed the Nevada gambling diversion court’s program, and six more are now enrolled, according to Moss. She claimed that people with gambling-related problems are real people who should be treated with kindness.

The retired judge claimed that these individuals didn’t belong in prison. They do require medical attention and assistance with rehabilitation in order to avoid returning to a life of crime. They won’t receive assistance for their gambling addiction if they are sent to prison. After they go, they’ll simply carry on as before.

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