NJ Legislators are Still Silent on Limiting Gambling Marketing and Advertising

Arsenii Anderson
nj legislators are still silent on limiting gambling marketing and advertising

Nationwide initiatives to limit questionable practices by legal sportsbooks are starting to take form in NJ.

Sportsbooks in NJ seem to be changing the way they operate, either voluntarily or as a result of pressure, in response to growing worries about the types of people that gambling enterprises are trying to attract as clients and how they go about doing it. But, the state has done nothing to impose any regulations on New Jersey casino advertising and marketing.

Residents and advocates of responsible gambling in New Jersey are the loud chorus of voices in the sportsbooks asking, “What took so long?”

Since 2018, there has been a massive misinformation campaign against sports betting in the Garden State. As its neighbors PA and NY allowed online sportsbooks in 2019 and 2022, neighboring NJ found itself in the crosshairs of intense marketing initiatives aimed at snatching the bigger markets.

Sports Betting Legalization Has a Rippling Effect Across the Country

Regulatory bodies, federal legislators, and industry lobbyists are now pressing for stronger advertising and marketing regulations for sportsbooks. About five years after sports betting was broadly legalized in the US, the language used to attract and keep clients, the frequency of commercials, and the divisions between universities and gambling corporations are all facing criticism.

The lobbying organization located in Washington, D.C., known as the American Gaming Association, recently modified its rules for authorized operators. It prohibited the use of any statement that suggested placing a wager carried no risk, changed references to the legal gambling age to 21 and up, and forbade sportsbooks from compensating collegiate players.

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