Casino Dealers in Atlantic City, NJ Reject the Idea of Dedicated Smoking Areas

Casino dealers in Atlantic City who oppose indoor smoking are rejecting a proposal by state legislators to establish designated smoking zones.
On August 9, Pete Naccarelli, a dealer at the Borgata and the head of a group of Atlantic City casino employees calling for a complete indoor smoking ban, said the opt-out proposal is not the best way to safeguard both employees and players.
A casino employee should not have to endanger their health by working in a smoking area simply to make ends meet, he claimed. However, that is exactly what would happen, and the most vulnerable workers would suffer the most. Legislators need to be aware of the difficult situation this would bring about and reject the idea.
According to dealers, creating authentic outside smoking zones may be a realistic alternative as long as no worker is exposed to secondhand smoking.
However, they do not tolerate having any casino employees allocated to those sections or even having to walk by them on their route to other parts of the casino.
Since February, a measure to prohibit smoking in Atlantic City’s casinos has remained unmoved in the state Legislature. A similar bill that was introduced last year failed in session even though Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy has stated he will sign it if it passes.
The measure, which has the support of half the state Legislature, has not yet had a hearing set by a legislative committee as of August 9.
The measure would address a loophole in New Jersey’s indoor smoking law that essentially makes casinos the only indoor businesses where smoking is still permitted.